Class of 2028, Class of 2027, Class of 2026:
To be eligible for graduation, high school students must accumulate at least 22 course credits. One credit is granted for each course successfully completed (grade of D- or better) that meets on a daily basis for the school year. Some courses may be taken on a part-time basis for partial credit. Students are advised to consult the Program of Studies and a school counselor to determine which courses may be taken for partial credit. In accordance with Massachusetts state law, every student must take a Health/PE/Wellness course each year. This means that even if a student takes a class in both PE and Wellness one year, they will still be required to take a Health /PE/Wellness course in each subsequent year.
Of the twenty-two credits required for graduation, students must complete the following core distribution:
Additional requirements include the completion of 40 hours of community service and passing grades on the Mathematics, English, and Science sections of the MCAS test. Although not required for graduation, students are strongly encouraged to study a minimum of one foreign language for four years. Students in grades 6 through 8 must be enrolled in physical education/health each year unless excused by a physician. Exceptions to these requirements may be made only by the Principal. Any student who has satisfied the graduation requirements before the end of their senior year may qualify for a diploma. While students have the right to graduate before completing four years of high school, The Bromfield School does not encourage early graduation. If this is something you wish to pursue, you must contact the Principal.
The Bromfield School does not rank its students because of its size, academic rigor and its college preparatory orientation.
Class of 2029
To be eligible for graduation, high school students must accumulate at least 24 course credits. One credit is granted for each course successfully completed (grade of D- or better) that meets for the school year. Some courses may be taken on a semester basis for 1/2 credit. Students are advised to consult the Program of Studies and a school counselor to determine which courses may be taken for partial credit. *In accordance with Massachusetts state law, every student must take a Health/PE course each year. This means that even if a student takes a class in both PE and Wellness one year, they will still be required to take a Health /PE course in each subsequent year.
Of the 24 credits required for graduation, students must complete the following core distribution:
The Bromfield School does not rank its students because of its size, academic rigor, and its college preparatory orientation.